Hydrogen fueling station using high-efficiency PGM catalysts, with wind turbine and solar panels in the background, demonstrating renewable energy integration in hydrogen production.

Revolutionary PGM Catalysts
Double efficiency
with the same quantity of Platinum

New PGM Catalysts for better Electrolyzers and Fuel Cells

Our technology gives a simple way to increase efficiency of catalytic converters.

We have invented new generation of precursors to reduce the amount of noble metal needed for conducting chemical processess.

We use carbon nanoparticles on which we deposit precursors based on urea molecules bonded to Platinum ions.

By using smaller amounts of noble metal, you can achieve greater catalyst efficiency.


Reduce up to 50%
of Platinum

50% less metal and capacity

Achieve up to 100% higher catalyst efficiency or reduce platinum, palladium, and iridium usage by 50% with our advanced solutions.

100% productivity

Reduce up to 50% of platinum usage or achieve 100% higher efficiency with advanced PGM catalysts.

... or get 100% higher efficiency of the catalyst within its capacity.


200% productivity

Achieve up to 100% higher catalyst efficiency or reduce platinum, palladium, and iridium usage by 50% with our advanced solutions. Reduce up to 50% of platinum usage or achieve 100% higher efficiency with advanced PGM catalysts.

same metal mass

Over $5 Billion Annual Global Savings with New PGM Catalysts

Our groundbreaking catalysts offer substantial global savings. By reducing the use of platinum and palladium in industrial and automotive catalysis, these catalysts can potentially save the industry up to $0.5 billion annually in industrial applications and $5 billion in automotive applications.

This innovative approach both cuts costs and optimizes the efficiency of precious metal usage in various catalytic processes.

Detailed structure of an advanced platinum catalyst featuring platinum at the center with surrounding ligands. This catalyst is designed for high efficiency in PEM and AEM electrolyzers, offering up to 100% higher performance while reducing platinum usage by 50%. IconIconIconIconIconIconDepiction of an innovative palladium catalyst structure with palladium at the core and consistent surrounding ligands. This catalyst enhances efficiency in PEM and SOFC fuel cells, achieving up to double the performance and reducing palladium consumption by half.

Manage the Density of the Precursors

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This technology allows you to flexibly design and produce catalysts to suit individual requirements. It's possible to manage the density of the precursors deposited on carbon nanoparticles.

Thus, some may want to achieve exactly the same catalyst efficiency as before, but in much smaller reactors. Others may want to increase process productivity by increasing the density of the noble metal in the catalytic converter.

Potential applications


Fuel Cells

Our catalysts are designed to optimize space efficiency in PEM fuel cells, making them perfect for automotive and portable power applications. Achieve greater power density with less volume, reducing the size and weight of your fuel cells. Embrace the future of compact and efficient power solutions with our cutting-edge technology.


PEM Electrolyzers

Our catalysts have the potential to significantly enhance the efficiency of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzers, potentially allowing for greater hydrogen production per unit of electricity. This makes them suitable for applications requiring high-purity and high-pressure hydrogen, such as fuel cell vehicles and electronics. There is also significant potential for development and optimization, particularly in reducing iridium usage. Explore the possibilities of achieving unmatched efficiency and performance in your hydrogen production systems.

Our catalysts significantly enhance the efficiency of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzers, allowing for greater hydrogen production per unit of electricity. This makes them ideal for applications requiring high-purity and high-pressure hydrogen, such as fuel cell vehicles and electronics. Experience unmatched efficiency and performance in your hydrogen production systems.


PEM Electrolyzers

Our catalysts are designed to optimize space efficiency in PEM fuel cells, making them perfect for automotive and portable power applications. Achieve greater power density with less volume, reducing the size and weight of your fuel cells. Embrace the future of compact and efficient power solutions with our cutting-edge technology.


Fuel Cells

Our PGM catalysts are optimized for use in PEM fuel cells, improving their efficiency and durability. This is vital for applications in automotive, portable power, and stationary power generation sectors.


AEM Electrolyzers

For Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), our catalysts are engineered to reduce operational costs by minimizing the use of expensive PGMs while ensuring high efficiency. This is crucial for large-scale power generation and combined heat and power (CHP) systems. Lower your costs and boost your system's performance with our innovative catalysts.


Fuel Cells

The Benefits


Higher efficiency


Increased active surface*


50% less PGM for the same efficiency


Lower production cost


Reduction of the size of the catylytic reactor


Fully scalable and simple method of synthesis


*1 gram of Platinium yields up to 60m2 active surface

Transform energy production with our cutting-edge synthesis technique incorporating noble metal nanoparticles. Attain a 50% reduction in noble metal usage and enhance active surface area.

The Team

The team has experience in collaborating with petrochemical industry.


Adam Lewera, PhD

The author's impressive track record includes 43 scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals listed in the ISI Master Journal List, with 1253 citations. Moreover, he has co-authored 7 inventions protected by 2 international patents (USA and Japan), one national patent, and 26 patent applications, showcasing their innovative contributions.

The author's impressive track record includes 43 scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals listed in the ISI Master Journal List, with 1253 citations. Moreover, he has co-authored 7 inventions protected by 2 international patents (USA and Japan), one national patent, and 26 patent applications, showcasing their innovative contributions.

Experienced professional with a track record of co-authoring 47 scientific papers in chemistry and electrochemistry for prestigious international journals. Also involved in the co-authoring of 12 national and 8 international patent applications.

Rafał Jurczakowski, PhD

Experienced professional with a track record of co-authoring 47 scientific papers in chemistry and electrochemistry for prestigious international journals. Also involved in the co-authoring of 12 national and 8 international patent applications.

Specializes in Materials Chemistry with a strong emphasis on Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis. Actively engaged in Professor Lewera's research group.

Paweł Wnuk


Contact me for details

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The technology is available under licence

The official logo of the University of Warsaw, symbolizing its commitment to academic excellence and innovation in research and education. Logo of the Centre for Technology Transfer and Knowledge, highlighting its role in facilitating the commercialization of research, innovation, and collaboration between academia and industry. Emblem of the Research University Excellence Initiative, representing the drive towards advancing research capabilities, fostering innovation, and achieving global recognition in academic excellence. Iga Iwanek - technology broker at University of Warsaw responsible for new PGM catalysts

Iga Iwanek

Technology Broker
